Monday, April 15, 2013

"Just because you haven't seen something, doesn't mean it's not there."

A movie involving talking slugs, mini people riding on hummingbirds, and an intense battle for the forest; any of these things sound appealing to you. If so look no further. Epic, set to be released on May 24, 2013, seems to show a lot of promise. It comes from the creators of Ice Age and Rio which are both very fun, feel good movies. I have been looking forward to this cartoon for months now. Why, you may ask, am I so excited for this little cartoon? Because it really does look epic!

First before I say anymore just watch the teaser trailer for this film by clicking the link:

Okay, now that you have seen this teaser trailer how could you not be intrigued? First of all, it was an excellent choice to play Snow Patrol in the background to set the tone. There is so much going on in these 2 mins it causes one to ask so many questions. Why does the hummingbird have a saddle? Who are these tiny people? Holy crap, what's riding on that evil crow? And the questions continue... And to me it is a pretty intense trailer for a cartoon. Especially when the tiny solider is running around through the woods. He is jumping around, he almost falls, and then he almost gets killed with an arrow. All this leads up to him grabbing hold of a slug's eyeballs, adding comedy to this little trailer. Overall, I was very interested from the beginning.

However, when the full length trailer was released it made the movie even more appealing to me. It's a fun concept: little tiny soldiers protecting the forest from a villainous mini-monster who is trying to "destroy the forest". This film is filled with big name actors, including the Academy-Award winning Christoph Waltz who plays the villain in this film. He is joined by the lovely Amanda Seyfried and the awesome Josh Hutcherson, among others. This movie also excites me because I am a child at heart and I am always happy to see someone's childlike imagination come to life on the big screen. Cartoons like this take us on an adventure and we love them for that. Movies like this  allow us to leave the real world behind and fall into a totally new one where nothing is impossible and good will win in the end (hopefully).

This movie looks like it will be endearing, funny, and filled with action (of a cartoon status). I hope I will not be disappointed. This movie looks like a good one to go see with the family so make sure to bring the kids. And if you’re a big kid yourself I think you should make an effort to go see it when it is released. I can't wait for this movie to come out so I can go to the movies, take my seat, and be immersed into a new and Epic universe. Click the link below to see the full-length trailer. Let's hope this film brings out the epic kid in all of us.

- Megan O'Neal

Saturday, April 13, 2013

"In a game divided by color, He made us see Greatness!"

I just saw the newly released “42. The True Story of an American Legend" directed and written by Brian Helgeland, and it was a very good film. It stars the great Harrison Ford as Branch Ricky and a new comer (well to me at least) Chadwick Boseman, as the amazing Jackie Robinson. This film has heart and is very inspirational. It shows the story of a man who had the "guts not to fight back."

I love Jackie Robinson. I was always interested in him as a kid. I also really liked him because my father liked him a lot as well, and you know what they say, like father like daughter. So I was very impressed by the performance given by Boseman. I wasn't sure what to expect from him since I had never seen him in anything else before. He also resembles Jackie pretty well which is always a plus.  Boseman was good because he has very expressive eyes. You could see in his facial expressions when he wanted to fight back but resisted. When he was hurt, confused, or proud; the audience could see it all through his eyes. That is a big accomplishment for an actor because it says a lot about them when they can make you feel something just by displaying emotion to the camera.

This film has a pretty good score in my opinion. The music is actually very subtle and would probably go unnoticed by many people (but now that you’re aware you can look out for it). However, the subtle music works because it fits well with the mood of the movie. It's almost as if the music is playing within the actual scene instead of just being sounds only the audience can hear. The camera work is also very beautiful. There are many slow motion shots in this film, especially the end sequence. These shots are used well though and not overdone. They actually really had to the emotional tension of the movie. By this I mean, they bring your emotions into the moment, then by slowing it down in slow motion, with the music in the background, it causes one's emotions to sort of 'float' through the scene as it glides on. It really helps the audience to connect with what's happening on screen. This film also has tons of below shots looking up which I really like. I think that it is a creative way to look at the scene and keeps the movie from being to flat. The action shots are well done as well. I mean after all this is a movie about baseball so there better be some good shots when the game is being played.

The story and the script for this film is what makes this movie so good. I mean it’s the story of Jackie Robinson, one of the greatest men to ever play baseball, so has to be good, right? Well honestly when I saw the trailer I was very excited and I was also terrified. Like I said this story means a lot to me and I would be very upset if it got messed up. But Helgeland does an excellent job with this script. He captures Robinson's story very well. It is truly inspiring to see someone be at their lowest points and still decide to step up and work hard no matter what other people say. It is also great to see how people begin to change their way; how people began to respect Robinson and even grow to love him. He was a hero to all children of all races and that is a big thing people need to understand. Also this film shows not all white people hated black people back in the 1940s. Branch Ricky, who helped Robinson immensely, was white. And throughout the film many white people show their support for Robinson. I think this movie is coming out at a great time. It shows how far our country really has come. Yes, there are mean, hateful people in this world who hate people of all different races, shapes, and sizes. But men like Robinson and people who came after him, helped change the world and that is a fact. I think this movie helps remind us things have changed for the better. It also shows what hard work will get you. It displays how never giving up on your dreams pays off in great and fantastic ways.

Another great thing about the story of this film is the relationship between Jackie and his wife Rachel. First of all, the chemistry between Nicole Beharie, who plays Rachel, and Boseman is fantastic. They are young and in love and you can feel it the second they look at each other on screen. They are so adorable that the audience can completely believe they are in their love. However, the great thing about the relationship between these two characters is how they are there for one another. Rachel always supports Jackie; she is his rock and always believes in him. And Jackie is head over heels for his wife and he makes it known. He does whatever he can to provide and take care of her. My favorite line that Jackie says throughout the movie to Rachel is "You're in my heart", meaning no matter where he goes or what happens she will always be with him. They are a happy, strong, married couple and it’s nice to see such raw love. A married couple that sticks together through anything is the kind of relationship people should strive for. It's great to see this on the big screen today. Like I've mentioned before, true and unselfish love is the sort of thing that should be promoted these days because that's the kind of love everyone deserves.

When watching the trailer with my father he told me that this movie could either be great or be awful. When I asked why he explained "Robinson worked hard. People didn't just hand him things. He had to learn to deal with the pain and fight through it. He came up from nothing and made himself. Nobody handed him anything. I worry this movie may not show it that way." Well I am happy to report that my dad does not have to worry. This film shows all the nitty gritty, the pain and the triumph of Jackie Robinson. The road was not easy but he persevered and he succeeded. "42" is also very funny. You will laugh during this film and enjoy it. But many moments in this film are intense and some things are a little hard to watch. By that I mean, the movie really tries to embrace what happened in the 1940's which hits the audience with a reality check. However, this film is also very motivational and heartfelt. You will leave the theater happy and overwhelmed with a sense of hope. You will leave thinking that if we can change then; we can continue to change now. So I definitely recommend this film and I just wanna say, 'Grab your ball caps and go to the theater, it’s time to play ball!'

- Megan O'Neal 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

"Lesson number one: Heroes, there is no such thing."

After the amazing Avengers movie came out in May 2011 all Marvel fans have been waiting for the next wave of superhero movies. And in roughly 4 weeks the waiting will be over. Iron Man 3 is set to be released on May 3, 2013 and it looks like it is going to be really good. Not to mention, it looks like it’s going to be super intense.

While watching this trailer I feel so worried for Tony Stark played by the sexy Robert Downy Jr. Just in the trailer we can see he does not seem to be the normal, happy, and sometimes cocky Stark that we love. He admits to not being able to sleep because he is haunted by nightmares. He seems stressed and on edge, causing us as an audience to fear for him as well. I feel most touched by Stark when he admits to Pepper, played by the beautiful Gwyneth Paltrow, that he can’t "live without" her. This frightens me because I feel something big and bad is going to happen to the lovely Pepper Potts. Not to mention later on in the trailer she seems to be trapped in some kind of weird machine. And also in the trailer it seems like a suit is about to attack her while she is in bed with Tony. Which brings me to another question: What's going on with all these suits?

It seems that there will be plenty of Iron Man suits to go around in this movie. And a popular question is: what's the deal with all these suits? My theory is that Tony is trying to figure out how to let the suits run on their own without humans being inside. And then someone (someone bad) gets control of the technology and uses it against Stark. Now it's a loose theory but it's one I have. Some of my friends have also thought maybe Stark is making a bunch of suits for the Army to use. Honestly, it’s all speculation but I can't help but wonder.

The real threat here is The Mandarin played by Ben Kingsley. Kingsley in my mind is one of Hollywood's classic villains. I mean he really always plays villains and man is he good at it. I'm excited to see him bring The Mandarin to life on the big screen. With his word echoing throughout the trailer providing this ominous feel to the trailer sends chills up my spine.

With all the things blowing up, people screaming in pain, and worst of all Iron Man lying defeated in the snow, this movie is clearly going to keep its audience at the edge of its seats. So prepare yourself because in 4 weeks we will finally have our questions answered. Click the link below for the trailer; try not to freak out too much.

-Megan O'Neal

"Do you think we choose to be born? Or do we fit into the times we are born into?"

Lincoln released in theaters on November 16, 2012 was an amazing film to say the least. If you have not seen this film yet let me just say "Stop what you’re doing and go rent it immediately!" Now there are many reasons to why this film is great, but I think it is the impeccable acting and the genuine story that what makes this film so lovable.

Daniel Day-Lewis.... Oh Daniel Day-Lewis. I cannot even really describe how awesome he is in this film. I mean he did win the Oscar for this film and he truly deserved it. Now personally, I love Lincoln. Ever since I was a child I was always excited to learn more and more about Lincoln. So when I knew there would be a movie and it was directed by Steven Spielberg, my expectations were quite high. Day-Lewis truly captures the essence of Lincoln. When he first comes on screen and speaks, I was in awe! Now I know that nobody really knows exactly what Lincoln sounded like, but we can all imagine. And based on what I imagined, Day-Lewis sounded just like the Lincoln in my head. It was soft and calm, yet, it was also powerful and demanding. Also the way he walked was perfect as well. Lincoln was 6'4 and was very lanky. It would make sense for him to have a pleasantly awkward manner of walking. And the makeup that Day-Lewis wore was simply incredible. Spielberg made a smart choice of shooting a lot of Day-Lewis from the side. His profile shot was when he looked most like Lincoln and Spielberg picks up on this. Also Lincoln gives many monologues and they are AMAZING! I love every single monologue and story he has. The moments when Day-Lewis gives his monologues are captivating, to say the least. You can truly tell that Day-Lewis pours himself into this role. You forget who he really is and completely accept the idea of him being Lincoln. So mission accomplished Daniel! You did great.

The other actors and actresses in this film are also amazing. Sally Field is amazing as Lincoln's wife. She puts on a great show and doesn't disappoint. Tommy Lee Jones adds most of the comedy to this film which was a pleasant surprise to me. Jones pulls off his role of a passionate and kind of crazy radical Republican very well. Speaking of comedy, if you thought this would just be a dull, history flick you are completely wrong! This movie is filled with loads of funny moments Some are kind of cheesy (but the good kinds of cheesy) and others moments are just purely hilarious. There are also many tense moments throughout this film that will keep you interested until the end. The writing is simply exceptional.

Speaking of the writing, this script is very good. Tony Kushner, who also wrote Munich, creates a beautiful script for this film. It truly portrays Lincoln as an amazing leader, but also shows how Lincoln was a regular guy. The script was inspired by the book "Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln" by Doris Kearns Goodwin which helps to bring this script and movie to life.

This film embraces the idea of Lincoln being a regular guy who is "fitted to the times". He was the perfect leader for the time. People who don't even like history can still love and appreciate this film. And if you are a big history buff you will like it as well. However, I do want to state, this is a movie. So if everything is not "accurate" by your standards don't get too upset. It's a film meant to entertain and honestly nobody knows what really went on back then. So open your eyes and enjoy this wonderful film. It’s an A+ film and you will love it.

-Megan O'Neal

Friday, April 5, 2013

“Can’t change the past… Why of course you can.”

The Great Gatsby directed by Baz Luhrmann is set to be released May 10, 2013. And I am anxiously awaiting its arrival. Let's just discuss how amazing the trailer for this movie is. You can tell from the two min. trailer that this movie is filled with so much action, mystery, and love it is busting at the seams. I read some of the book in high school and from what I remember this movie seems to be pretty accurate. Plus I couldn't think of a better actor to play Gatsby they the amazing Leonardo DiCaprio. He is such a fantastic actor and he is filled with such passion I know he will do the part justice. Just based on the trailer I can tell this is going to be an intense film just by seeing Leo's face screaming halfway through the trailer. One big thing that makes this trailer so great is the use of music.

First using an upbeat song by JayZ to set the tone of the trailer, and then switching to the fun, yet mysterious song by Florence and the Machine is just fantastic. But the best part of this trailer is the buildup of "Happy Together". It's a remake that I have not heard until I saw this trailer. But this song is simply powerful. Starts off quiet and builds up into an almost screamo climax. It makes my heart race as the scenes flash on the screen like jump cuts, but at the same time showing the amazing cinematography that this movie will surly possess. Because let’s face it, Baz Luhrmann may not be everyone's favorite director (though I will admit he is one of mine) but nobody can deny he makes some truly beautiful movies and that is a fact. I really do love this trailer. I watch it all the time just for fun. The best part is the end when Leo looks at Tobey Maguire and states "Can't change the past? (insert a few more intense scenes here) Why of course you can." and with that the title zooms into you face. The first time I saw this trailer I caught myself releasing a huge sigh due to the fact that the trailer had made me so tense. I'm hoping the movie will live up to the high expectations the trailer has set, but I really believe it will. If you haven't seen the trailer yet, check it out by clicking the link below… it’s a great trailer and it would be a shame to miss it.

- Megan O'Neal

"You've Bewitched Me Body and Soul..."

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is one of the best romantic stories I've ever read. The love between Elizabeth and the mysterious Mr. Darcy is incredible. The way the story goes about showing their love though words and awkward meetings is refreshing when we think of some of today's so called loves stories. The movie version of Pride and Prejudice that came out in 2005 directed by Joe Wright is a true masterpiece.

First, lets discuss the amazing casting for this film. Starting with the lovely and talented Keira Knightley. She was perfect for the role. Her tomboyish beauty is what makes her, in my opinion, the perfect Elizabeth Bennet. She has an independent way about her that fits perfectly with the original character of Elizabeth. Matthew Macfadyen was also a great Mr. Darcy. His evolution throughout the film is the greatest of any in the movie. Though he seems harsh in the beginning we learn he is misunderstood and painfully shy. Matthew acts like a man pretending not be a hopeless romantic puppy through out half the film making every women fall in love with him instantly. And the way the two  reacts to one another is perfect. They have a subtle sexual tension throughout the whole film that makes the movie 12 times better. They both react to each others actions so well to the point where the audience can clearly see they love one another before either character actually realizes that fact. For example, the scene in the rain where Elizabeth states that Mr. Darcy is the "last man in the world" she could ever be married too is the most intense scene in this film. The rain, though some may say is clique, I find it to be perfect (even though it is slightly clique). That moment when they stare at each other is filled with sexual tension. The audience fully expects them to embrace one another and share a long passionate kiss. Darcy leans in, as Elizabeth does the same. He turns his head and the audience is sitting at the edge of their seat only to hear Darcy utter "Sorry, for taking up so much of your time." The first time I saw this I was shocked! In movies set in today's time period the two characters would have kissed. However, because it is a classic story the two must walk away, longing and pretending to be indifferent. The actors and actresses in the whole film are perfectly cast and wonderful, however, without Knightly and Macfadyen, this movie wouldn't have been such a success.

This movie also excels due to its amazing camera work. As I continue to write more blogs you will all see that I love camera work. Me and the camera are intimately  involved. In this film the setting is simply breath taking and Wright does a great job of showing the beautiful scenery he has. The long takes are the best in this film. Particularly when Mr. Darcy is walking up to Elizabeth towards the end of the film. The camera stays on him for a good minute and a half. The director could have made cuts back and forth between him and Elizabeth. Or he could have made Mr. Darcy's walk much shorter. Instead, he plays the beautiful piano in the background (thanks to Dario Marianelli) and Macfadyen walks toward the camera with the wind in his hair. This scene is what I like to call subtly dramatic. You don't realize the drama in the scene until it ends and you think "man that was the most epic walk across a field I have ever seen". The close-ups in this film also show the simple beauty in the story. It causes the audience to be absorbed into the film in a way that makes you feel like you are standing in the field or in the rain watching the characters right in front of you.

Overall, this movie is excellent  Granted, I can understand if its not for everyone. Some people might not enjoy the whole 'old English' theme. However, the love story of this film is a good one and that is undeniable. It shows how you cannot judge a person based on loose first impressions and you need to open yourself up to the best love possible. Towards the beginning of the film, Elizabeth tells Jane "Only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony" showing how she would only settle for the greatest love, not the convenient kind of love. That's why I think this film is so exceptional and different then a lot of love stories today. Obviously the movie is shot in a different time period than other movies based on romance are today. Yet, there is a true love in this story that I think other romantic movies in this generation lack. But, I do believe that good romance movies are making a comeback. Stories filled with real love, not a selfish sort of love story, and that is exciting to me.  

-Megan O'Neal

Welcome to the Theater, the Movie Theater that is.

There are critics out there who speak about movies of all sorts. The good movies and the bad. The movies that change us and the movies that waste our time. However, sometimes the critics are very wrong, but they can also be right. This blog is just to focus on movies from the perspective of a regular person. It will show movies from the eyes of an audience member who has a passion for movies and what they are. Granted, it is only my opinion and I am open to other peoples as well. I just think it's a way for us to look at movies through our own eyes and just gush about them, or discuss the awful ones too. Also I will be looking at new movies and old movies. All movies are worth talking about, because whether they are good or bad they can change us... That's the point in them after all. So without further ado: Lights, Camera, Action!